Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Moon's Many Faces


Travel through space and time to learn the many faces of the moon and to answer the questions: Is the moon really made of cheese? Where does the moon go after 29-31 days? The purpose of this space journey is to learn about the moon phases, find out what the moon is made of, and make a chart on moon's faces. 

The Task:
  • Read and record what the moon is made of and what the eight moon phases are.
  • Learn the eight moon phases by the correct name.
  • Complete a crossword puzzle using the moon phases and other important science words.
 The Process: (What to do)
At the computer:
Read all directions before you click.
  • Click "Activity Sheet" to download.
  • Click "The Moon Website" at the resources below.
  • Using the information on the moon website, answer all of the questions in the activity sheet.
  • Click on the "Phases of the Moon" in the Moon website and print out the Moon Phases. Use this in the classroom activity.
 In the classroom:Using white and black construction paper, scissors and glue, cut out eight circles from the white and draw a moon phase on each one. Put the moon phases in order on black construction paper.

The Moon Website

  • The Moon Phase Word Find
  • The Moon Phase Activity Sheet
  • Classroom Activity
Upon the completion of this project, the students will have a chart that contains factual information that will be able them to identify the eight moon phases using the correct terminology, and discuss what the moon is made of.

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