Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Moon's Many Faces


Travel through space and time to learn the many faces of the moon and to answer the questions: Is the moon really made of cheese? Where does the moon go after 29-31 days? The purpose of this space journey is to learn about the moon phases, find out what the moon is made of, and make a chart on moon's faces. 

The Task:
  • Read and record what the moon is made of and what the eight moon phases are.
  • Learn the eight moon phases by the correct name.
  • Complete a crossword puzzle using the moon phases and other important science words.
 The Process: (What to do)
At the computer:
Read all directions before you click.
  • Click "Activity Sheet" to download.
  • Click "The Moon Website" at the resources below.
  • Using the information on the moon website, answer all of the questions in the activity sheet.
  • Click on the "Phases of the Moon" in the Moon website and print out the Moon Phases. Use this in the classroom activity.
 In the classroom:Using white and black construction paper, scissors and glue, cut out eight circles from the white and draw a moon phase on each one. Put the moon phases in order on black construction paper.

The Moon Website

  • The Moon Phase Word Find
  • The Moon Phase Activity Sheet
  • Classroom Activity
Upon the completion of this project, the students will have a chart that contains factual information that will be able them to identify the eight moon phases using the correct terminology, and discuss what the moon is made of.

Spider Hunt

Was She Sure It Was A Spider? an Internet Treasure Hunt on Spiders

created by Brenda Maxwell
Lexington IntermediateI School and Saxe Gotha Elementary School

adapted by LGL


Little Miss Muffet,
Sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider,
And sat down beside her...

Wait a minute...
How did she know it was a spider?
Did she get a really good look at it before she was frightened away?
Did she count its legs?
Did she count its body sections?
What other characteristics did it have?
Do you know how to recognize a spider from other insects?
Check out your spider knowledge by going to the following sites and answering the questions below...
1. How many legs does a spider have?
    How many eyes?
    How many body sections? 
2. Can any spiders dive underwater? 
3. Why isn't a Daddy long-legs a spider?
4. Do spiders have antennaes?
5. For what two things is the Black Widow spider known? 

The Internet Resources
The Big Question

Why don't spiders get caught in their own webs?